Conoscere le condizioni di lavoro in Svizzera: salari, orari e ferie

Switzerland compared to other countries in Europe, although it has the highest salaries, it also has one of the highest living costs. In a large number of surveys, Swiss salaries (Gehalt, salaries), both for skilled and unskilled workers, are estimated to be 2 to 3 times higher than those of most European countries. In fact, according to the results obtained

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5 trucchi per cercare lavoro in Svizzera

Most Latinos often have the idea that Switzerland is a paradise in terms of working conditions, given that employees can boast of enjoying the highest wages in the world, as well as being a country with one of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe. However, with respect to work for foreigners, Switzerland also has a fairly restrictive immigration policy, as

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Tipi di permessi di soggiorno per vivere in Svizzera

Continuing with our articles focused on helping people from Latin America who are thinking of coming to live in Switzerland, this time we want to talk a little about the different types of residence permits that are needed to live in this country. Since the bilateral agreement between Switzerland and the EU for the free movement of workers was made,

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